
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Third time is the charm? Really?

I haven't posted a blog lately but I had a moment to share a few thoughts about my third pregnancy. first I was surprised about the whole thing; I took like 6 pregnancy tests for goodness sakes. :) To be honest when I found out I was extremely nervous about the whole thing: starting over with a new baby (ME carrying a diaper bag again...COME ON!!!), my youngest child is 7 (big age gap), gaining weight again and then have to lose it after the baby is born (headache), plus it feels like I gain more weight after each baby...WTF!!! Then there is work...having this baby would put a bunch of strain on me and my pockets. WOW! I sound so freaking selfish, but it's the truth. I was scared to tell my parents...what would they think? LOL I guess I was just stressing myself for no apparent reason.

Now, a couple of months have gone by and everyone that needs to know, knows; and everyone is happy for me. :)