
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Is your relationship going as well as it used to? What happens to the connection that the two of you had? Over the years things change and we forget to keep having fun. You know everything is great at first, you laugh, talk, and you spend as much time as you can together. Every single moment is cherished. It's fun acting like high school kids, you do it in the most awkward places, no cares in the world but only you and your significant other. People starring and envying you because you have what they want and you don't even notice it. Some time passes and you take it to the next level, you move in together; everything is still going great. Then out of nowhere you start stressing over money or work or school and maybe even kids; the love is still there but the anger and stress is outweighing the love. Sex is no longer in the equation. How do you survive this? How do you continue like this? These questions are difficult to answer but you gotta figure something out. Remember what made you fall in love and what was fun in the beginning. Falling in love is easy (to some) but the hard part is staying in love when everything seems to come crashing down on you. For some reason people who are only dating seem to break it off easier than those who are married. Yeah there are differences but the love you share isn't. Am I right? Do you love a person more AFTER you get married? I think not! What do you think? I'm going everywhere with this blog but I will make a point eventually.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Why are people hating on the MJstache? Everybody had something to say when they saw the new Hanes commercial. Charles Barkley said it was "one of the stupidest things he'd seen in a long time" Fall back Charles, no it's not! And Ashton, how can you even compare Michael Jordan to Hitler?
When I seen the Hanes commercial, I didn't know whether to laugh or take him serious. But either way he's Michael Jordan! He can get away with this. The commercial is funny, the MJstache made even more hilarious....Way to go Michael , I will be sure to go buy my husband some Hanes Lay Flat shirts, I definitely don't want him to rock the "bacon neck" Everybody has their own opinion of the mustache. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Figuring it out

I will start with stating that I really have no clue where I'm going with this blog, but I plan on finding out. Like many things in my life, I never knew what would come from the decisions I made, of course there are decisions in my life that I really trully regret but I can't do anything to change it. I feel as though I shouldn't try and correct things because no matter how hard you erase, the pencil marks will always show. There are events in my life that I can't erase from my memory or my heart; I am who I am because of it. Is that good or bad? I have no answer for that. The opinion of others doesn't matter to me, but my opinion of myself does. Right now, I'm not ammused with my life. I haven't figured out what I'm here for and things never go as planned. Staying positive is difficult, especially with so much negativity coming your way. Lucky for me, God made me a LEO and I take that to heart. Right now I'm just typing whatever comes to mind, so excuse me if I'm taking you all over the place with this blog. Like I said before I have no clue where I'm going. Some of my blogs will be humerous, depressing, knowledge and out of the ordinary...just whatever comes to mind in that moment. Feel free to leave your comments or suggestions. Check back with me later. Figuring......... Toodles