
Thursday, June 10, 2010


Why are people hating on the MJstache? Everybody had something to say when they saw the new Hanes commercial. Charles Barkley said it was "one of the stupidest things he'd seen in a long time" Fall back Charles, no it's not! And Ashton, how can you even compare Michael Jordan to Hitler?
When I seen the Hanes commercial, I didn't know whether to laugh or take him serious. But either way he's Michael Jordan! He can get away with this. The commercial is funny, the MJstache made even more hilarious....Way to go Michael , I will be sure to go buy my husband some Hanes Lay Flat shirts, I definitely don't want him to rock the "bacon neck" Everybody has their own opinion of the mustache. What do you think?


  1. I honestly did not understand why Charles Barkley or whomever made a big deal about his mustache favoring Hitlers. He is Michael Jordan, and not Adoplh Hitler.

    1. Gosh, its been so long since I read this blog! Thanks for leaving a comment.
